Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Week 11: Gaming and Narrative

I have started playing League of Legends and I’m not sure yet whether I’m proud of that. League of Legends is an online multiplayer real-time strategy action game (the acronym OMRTSAG isn’t likely to catch on) which is, more importantly, free to play, though there are plenty of opportunities to splash your cash on unlocking characters and costumes if you feel the need to. The basic premise is that of a defensegame wherein you control your own avatar, a Champion, and with your team of fellow Champions try to stop your opponents from destroying your base as you simultaneously advance on their own. Every Champion has a selection of powers that you unlock as the game progresses with the ultimate aim being ‘balance’ as some characters are best suited to killing enemy Champions while others are better at chasing down fleeing enemies or halting advances. And, in the main, it works very well and when everything goes according to plan it feels, just like Golf, very satisfying. But when things aren’t working out it can feel, just like Golf, like the most infuriating experience in the world. I have nothing more to add about Golf.

The game looks and feels very much like a Warcraft clone. You’ll find everything here from dark wizards and buxom assassins to walking rocks and flying shadows, and it all fits in rather nicely. There is a substantial amount of lore for anyone who’s interested but the problem with this sort of game is that anything beyond ‘background information’ will only get in the way so it is very much down to the preference of the individual whether they indulge in it or not. The most important aspect is the ability to include the wide array of quirky and interesting characters as it does while making each one unique, which I have so far found to be the case. However, while some characters are quite obviously suited to certain roles you’ll find that others are more resilient to the casual player and take a little time and concentration to be played effectively. This can be frustrating when you buy a new character with your hard-earned points only to discover their play style is totally unsuited to your own, but it is only to be expected from a game like this and isn’t really a negative

League of Legends is also very addictive and you can easily find yourself playing too many games in a row when you should be doing something more productive. When a match goes well you will find yourself craving the next one, and yet when it goes badly you will want another go to banish the negative feelings and grant yourself admonishment. It can become part of a vicious circle if you’re not careful and a watch or nearby clock is advised if you hate wondering where your day has gone. You might also benefit from having a high tolerance threshold and sometimes thick skin as other players, as in all aspects of the multiplayer-verse, can sometimes be very stupid, very annoying or very abusive. I don’t dislike new players, but seriously: four quick deaths in a row in the same circumstances must tell you something about what you’re doing wrong! But use the chat command wisely as everyone is liable to player reports post match for the slightest transgression. You should also be prepared to put real life on hold while you play as exiting a match for any reason is not easily justifiable, as I found out when I left a match that was all but won so that I could attend dinner.

A very fun game overall and equal parts satisfying, frustrating and fulfilling. And who can ever argue with a free game? Nobody, that’s who!

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